Colors of Autmn

It’s been a very busy week so far. Only some showing of a slowdown tomorrow. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to be yucky in the weather department and now that we have gone off Daylight Savings Time, it gets dark earlier. But not one to be dissuaded by a heavy work schedule (court every darn day!), cold windy weather and mere darkness, I ventured forth Tuesday evening for a walk in the park. I had to stop and take pics as I went, so I’m not sure how many calories I actually burned. By the time I got back to my car, the sun was down and it was dark. But I had made it ’round the lake and though sore and stiff, I was happy.
My usual walking companion, Nancy, was not there – she’s going to a flurry of physical therapy appointments and possibly surgery on a bum knee caused by a Baker’s cyst (I know the actual condition is somewhere in the back of my brain, but I cannot for the life of me coax it forward.) I feel rather guilty for saying this, but I really missed our walking conversations. Guilty because I have very good conversations with my husband, but you know how it is among women… And I’m a little concerned that our walking – and talking – caused some of her problems. I hope not.
Anyway, Wednesday was a termination of parental rights case that thankfully didn’t have to go to trial because the remaining hold-out parent consented to an open adoption. I then played ring around the Beltway to visit clients to prep for the remaining review hearings this week. Then off to my “Columbia Sip ‘N Knit” group at Borders for the first time in weeks. It was downright therapeutic!
Today was another full round of court all day – and an emergency interview with a social worker of a client at school. Cannot say who what where, etc., but suffice it to say, if your kids are on the internet, check their My Space page!!!
This afternoon back to court (of course I had to be in two courtrooms at once, but the DSS attorney graciously saved my cases for the end of her docket, so I made all of my hearings) and I’ll be back in court tomorrow morning and afternoon, but hope springeth eternal – I want to get out fairly early to get another walk in.
It’s funny – I held out on the vino for most of those 28 days, but had the worst time with the carbs! But in the last few days, I have been exceptionally good and I feel I am back on a roll again. John suggested this morning that we do Thanksgiving buffet style in a restaurant this year and I actually like the idea for the first time. Just think – no “bad” leftovers to tempt me in the days following. And I don’t have to sweat and bitch and moan over the stove/oven? And the cost is not much more. And any number of friends can join us and there’ll be room! Where’s the down side???
But I do like my wine, especially the red variety:) And I’m glad to be cautiously enjoying a little at a time, LOL.
Well, as per usual on a Thursday in November, tonight is “kwar” praxis, and we’ll probably get started on Advent/Christmas music – my favorite:)
Here’s another picture from Centennial Park – one of its regular tenants. As a representation of how I feel most days lately…..


  1. Gail R says:

    Skipping from Court to Court – hopefully all works well for the children!

    All things in moderation as the saying goes – so choose a special wine and special things to enhance it and sip and enjoy! Then put it away until the next occasion to treat yourself (X number of days walking or whatever).

    Love the photo of the Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park – it’s a terrific photo.

  2. FugueStateKnits says:

    Hi Gail! Thanks – sounds like a good plan. Thank you also for identifying the bird. We passed by him all summer long and I swear, he posed every time! We kept wondering what kind of bird he was. I kept thinking tern, but knew that wasn’t right!
    Thanks again,

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